The advantages of resecting intracra-nial meningiomas by useing Nd: YAG-CO_2 laser which is made in China was reported in this paper. Method:We had resected 23 cases of meningiomas, including 16 cases in the upper part of the tentorium cerebelli and 7 cases in the posterior cranial fossa. The diameters range from 3 to 12 cm (8 cases > 8 cm). Nd: YAG-CO, laser power in use is from 10 to 45W,mean power 25W,while CO_2 laser power is from 10 to 60W, mean power 55W. Result: 19 cases (82. 6%) were completely resected. No operative mortality. With the aid of the laser system, greatly facilitated the operation and reduced intraoperative bleeding and postoperative reaction. Conclusion: The Nd:YAG-CO_2 laser system is very useful in meningioma resection.