目的 了解护理专业学生对用双语教学法讲授“社区护理”的评价。方法 采用调查表和专题讨论会形式进行分析。结果 大多数学生认为双语教学可以提高他们的专业英语水平 ,86 0 %的学生认为双语教学可以促进他们对社区护理学知识的学习 ,95 3%的学生认为双语教学能拓宽就业渠道 ,10 0 %的学生认为双语教学能为今后深造打下基础并能更快、更好到了解最新的医学信息。结论 双语教学有利于提高学生的英语交际能力 ,对学生掌握社区护理知识有一定的促进作用。
Objective To analyse the advantages and disadvantages of teaching Community Nursing by using bilingual education in medical college nursing students.Methods Using question and answer investigation and seminar to analyse the subject.Results Most of the students think that bilingual education can improve their medical English level.86.0% students think that bilingual education can promote their general practice learning.95.3% students think that bilingual education may be beneficial to their getting job.100% students think that bilingual education can help them to learn the new medical information.Conclusion Bilingual education can help to improve students′ capacities of English communication and promote their community nursing learning to a certain degree.The teacher of bilingual education needs further training.
Chinese General Practice