目的 探索减少手术治疗肾脏多发性结石残余结石的方法。方法 应用纤维膀胱镜在术中经肾盂切口探查、取出肾内残余结石。结果 本组83例均取净肾内残余结石。结论 纤维膀胱镜配合手术可有效处理肾脏多发性结石,减少残石,且简单、安全、并发症少。
Objective To explore the method which reduce the residual stones in surgical managementof multiple renal calculi. Methods Fibrous cystoscope was used to remove the residual stones via therenal pelvic incisine during the procedure of operation on multiple renal calculi.Results 83 cases ofmultiple renal calculi had been free from any stones.Conclusion Fibrous cystoscope as an adjuvantprocedure is an effective means in the surgical treatmeant for multiple renal calculi especially for theremoval of residual stones.The procedure is simple and safe,less complications occurred.
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