非创伤性产前诊断一直是人类遗传学发展的长期目标 ,从非细胞成分中如母血浆和血清中检测胎儿DNA为非创伤性产前诊断的开展提供了可能。实时定量PCR分析技术的发展 ,使母血浆和血清中胎儿DNA检测的敏感性和特异性接近 10 0 % 。
Noninvasive prenatal diagnosis is a long-sighted goal of human genetics. The fact that fetal DNA can be found in noncellular fractions, i.e.plasma and serum of maternal peripheral blood provides a possibility to perform noninvasive prenatal diagnosis .The subsequent development of real-time quantitative PCR technique has allowed close to 100% of sensitivity and specificity for fetal DNA detection in maternal plasma/serum. Meanwhile, this technique also has developed a detection for fetal RNA and fetal epigenetic markers from maternal plasma.
Foreign Medical Sciences (Section of Maternal and Child Health)