病理性攻击行为主要指心理、社会与生物因素导致的心理障碍或心理疾病所产生的对他人、物体与社会规范的侵犯行为。病理性攻击行为的病理基础是心理疾病 (人格障碍和精神分裂症 ) ,心理基础是主体性格的多重性和矛盾性以及自我意识障碍 ,而病理性攻击行为的哲学本质是价值内容的紊乱和价值结构的整体性破坏。
Pathological aggressive behavior is an aggressive behavior on other people caused by mental disorders and mental diseases which result from mental, social and biological factors. Its pathological base is mental disease (includi ng the disorders of personality and schizophrenia) and its mental base is the mu ltiplicity and contradictoriness of individual's character, and the disorders of the consciousness of self. Its philosophical essence is the disorders of the co ntent of value and the destruction of the total structure of value.
Medicine and Philosophy