为探讨甲状腺功能亢进症(甲亢)的危险因素,我们对93例甲亢病人和129例对照进行了非条件Logistic回归的病例对照研究。结果表明:海产品的摄入量、常打麻将至深夜、睡眠质量差、情绪易激动是甲亢的主要危险因素,其OR值分别为3.1705、4.191 7、2.240 5、3.111 2;食用新鲜水果为有利的保护因素,OR为0.0677。提示:过多的摄入海产品(更准确的说应是碘的过量摄入)在甲亢的发生上应给予更多的关注。
To study thd risk factors of Hyperthyreroidism, 93 patients with Hyerthyreroidism and 129 controls were conducted unconditioned Logistic regression analysis. The results showed that eating sea products, overplaying mahjong, poor sleeping quality and excited mood were the main risk factors of the disease, their OR were 3.1705, 4.1917, 2.2405 and 3.1112 respectively; eating fresh fruits was an favourable protecting factor, OR was 0.0677. Our results suggest that we should pay more attention to overtaking sea products (overtaking Iodine, in another words) in order to protect people from gitting Hyperthyreroidism.
Journal of Hebei Medical College for Continuing Education