德育环境是德育内化和外化的重要条件 ,构建完备的德育环境 ,对高职院校培养目标的实现和实现科教兴国战略目标具有十分重要的作用。高职院校应通过营造良好的社会教育环境 ,促进家庭教育观念、教育方法的转变 ,完善学校德育功能和抢占网上德育工作的制高点 ,构建社会、家庭、学校、网络四位一体的德育环境体系 ,将德育教育内化为素质 ,外化为行为 ,培养合格的社会主义建设者和接班人。
This thesis states that the moral education environment is vital to the internalization and externalization of moral education. It suggests that the vocational colleges should construct a quaternity system of moral education environment to internalize the moral education in the students' quality and externalize in their behavior. Setting up a sound social education environment, establishing a more reasonable family education concept and improving the way of moral education, etc. could contribute a lot in achieving effective moral education.
Journal of Wuhan Polytechnic