目的 :探讨SysmexUF - 1 0 0全自动尿沉渣分析仪在检测尿沉渣有形成份中的质和量的准确性以及影响的因素。方法 :应用配对分析法将同一标本同时用显微镜计数法和仪器检测红细胞、白细胞和管型 ,对检测结果进行对比分析。结果 :UF - 1 0 0检测红细胞、白细胞、管型的结果普遍偏高和假阳性 ,特别是管型 ,影响因素很多。结论 :UF - 1 0 0全自动尿沉渣分析仪检测速度较快 ,但检测结果受诸多因素影响 ,表现为检测结果偏高和假阳性。因此UF - 1 0 0全自动尿沉渣分析仪的检验报告特别是阳性结果的报告 ,不能作为尿沉渣检验的最终确诊性报告 ,其检测只能作为过筛性检测。当用UF - 1 0 0仪器检测结果阳性时 ,必须用显微镜计数法或图像分析仪复检进一步确认后 。
Objective: To discuss the veracity and the effecting factors when Sysmex UF-100 automatic uric dreg analyzer is used to detect and measure the quality and quantity of the shaped components in uric dreg. Method: Apply matching analyse method to detect and measure red blood cells (RBC) , white blood cells (WBC) as well as pipe models for all urine samples using direct microscope enumerative method and apparatus at the same time, then analyse consistency of these results. Result: The amount of RBC, WBC and pipe models are usually higher and misjudge when using UF-100, especially for pipe models, there are many effecting factors. Conclusion: Although the method of UF-100 is very rapid , but the amounts are usually higher than that of actually results and have false positive, so these results can not regard as the clinical diagnosis report, but the primary screening results. Before deliver the diagnosis report to the clinic, the results form UF-100 should be checked by microscope enumerative method.
Hebei Medicine
Sysmex UF-100 automatic uric dreg analyzer
Microscope enumerative method, uric dreg
Effecting factors