对南海及其邻近区域内3种比较常用的降雨产品进行了比较和分析。结果表明,在南海地区3种降雨量在空间上具有一致的大尺度分布特征,都能够很好地反映行星尺度雨带的季节性迁移特征;在细节上,三者之间存在明显差异,比较而言,GPCP 1DD(GlobalPrecipitationClimatologyProject,1DegreeDailyPrecipitationEstimate)和TRMM PR(TopicalRainfallMeasurmentMission,PrecipitationRadar)具有更为一致的空间分布特征,更能够反映降雨量在高大山地地形两侧的分布差异;3种资料都能够反映由地面台站资料反映出的局地区域降雨量季节和年际变化的基本特征,总体而言,GPCP 1DD和CMAP(CPCMergedAnalysisofPrecipitation)与地面观测结果更为接近,但是在反映极端降雨事件方面TRMM PR略优于其它2种资料。
High resolution PR rainfall data which is collected by TRMM (Topical Rainfall Measurment Mission) Precipitation Radar (TRMM-PR), CPC (Climate Prediction Center) Merged Analysis of Precipitation (CMAP) which is derived from various satellites, gauges and numerical models, and GPCP (Global Precipitation Climatology Project) 1°×1° Daily Rainfall Product (GPCP-1DD) which is combined with various satellite and gauge measurements are compared in this work to find out which one is more suitable for the South China Sea and its adjacent areas. The results reveal that the large-scale spatial trend of these three rainfall products are very similar, all of them can well describe the seasonal shift of the sub-planetary rainy belt induced by seasonal reversal of the monsoon wind. Besides these similar large-scale spatial characteristics, there also exist many significant differences between them. Relatively, the rainfall fields derived from GPCP-1DD and TRMM-PR rainfall products are much more consistent with each other, and they can better portray the rainfall difference between two hillsides of mountains with elevation higher than 500 meters. All the three rainfall products can well recover the main feature of the seasonal and inter-annual variability detected by gauge measurements. In general, the rainfalls from GPCP-1DD and CMAP products are closer to the in situ measurements, which can be partly attributed to the fact that in GPCP-1DD and CMAP datasets the spatial pattern is mainly derived from the satellite observation and the rain volume is mainly strained by gauge observation if there is sufficient ground-based observation. Noticeably, the TRMM-PR measurements do better in representing some extreme heavy rainy cases than the other two rainfall datasets.
Journal of Tropical Oceanography