1996年 ,俄罗斯前外长普里马科夫提出多极世界构想 ,引起各方的关注。普京上台后继承了普里马科夫多极世界构想的理念 ,但在具体外交运作中显示出与后者不同的特点。作为影响俄罗斯外交的重要思想理念 ,多极世界构想在俄国内引起广泛的争论。 1 998~ 2 0 0 0年 ,这种争论一度达到顶峰。伊拉克战争后 ,未来世界秩序成为各方讨论的焦点 ,俄罗斯国内开始重新审视多极世界构想和俄罗斯外交。本文系统阐述了俄罗斯多极世界构想的形成、内涵和特点 ,比较分析了普京与普里马科夫在多极世界构想方面的差异 ,指出多极世界构想的理论缺陷 ,揭示多极世界构想的本质以及对俄罗斯外交的影响。本文认为 ,俄罗斯多极世界构想意在搭建一种有利于己的“均势结构”或者说战略平衡 ,谋求平等地参与制订游戏规则的身份 ,从而实现恢复大国地位的目标。因此 。
In 1996 former Russian foreign minister Primakov raised the concept of a multi-p olar world, triggering concern from all parties. Putin came to power and inherit ed his concept, yet displaying many different features from it in concrete diplo matic moves. As an important ideological concept, the idea of multi-polar world sparked extensive controversies in Russia, which climaxed in 1998~2000. After t he outbreak of the Iraqi war, the future world order became the focus of discuss ions and Russia began to re-examine the concept and its diplomacy. This article systematically expounds the formation of the concept, its connotation and specia l features. It makes a comparative analysis of the difference between Putin and Primakov in the concept and points to the theoretical discrepancy of the concept , revealing its essence as well as its impact on Russian diplomacy. The author holds that the Russian multi-polar world concept is purported to build a balance structure or strategic balance that tips in favor of itself, seeking for the id entity to participate in the game rules on a equal footing in a bid to achieve t he goal of restoring its great power status. Therefore the concept is a tactic o f Russia to realize its state interests.
Russian,East European & Central Asian Studies