自改革开放以来 ,我国进行了四次行政改革 ,取得了显著的成效 ,但由于长期受高度集权的计划经济模式影响 ,改革步履维艰。市场经济的发展受到的种种束缚表明 ,不断完善的社会主义市场经济需要一个在权力、规模、职能受到宪法和法律明确限制 ,公开接受社会监督和制约的有限政府 。
Since China's open and reform, there are four administrative reforms with obvious effect. Owing to the long-term influence of highly authorized planning economy mode, the reform goes through hardness. From the obstacles to the economic development, it is clear that the power, scale and function of socialistic market economy should be confined by constitution and law with the government supervised openly by public.
Journal of Harbin University