在分析了社会主义德治与法治的联系、作用和区别的基础上 ,本文提出建设完善的社会主义德治和法治国家必须 :1、社会主义德治和法治必须双管齐下 ;2、要把建立德治系统工程放在突出的位置来抓 ;3、在良好的德治环境下 ,从立法、执法、司法、守法和普法等环节 。
On the basis of analyzing the connection,the effect and the difference between the socialist moral ruling and law ruling This paper presents that building the country under the rule of law and the rule of moral,first,we must work on both the rule of moral and the rule of law.second,it is very important for us to stress on establishing the systematic project of the rule of moral third,under the good atmosphere of the rule of moral we must strengthen the socialist construction of rule of law from Legislation,law enforcement,administration of justice,law abidingness and law promulgation aspects.
Journal of Nanchang Institute of Aeronautical Technology(Social Science)