天然林保护不是简单的禁伐 .东北林区作为天然林保护的限伐林区 ,目前仍有一定数量的成过熟林采伐任务 ,如何科学合理地选择伐区非常重要 .鉴于传统森林资源采伐利用操作中存在顾此失彼的问题 ,现代科学的森林资源经营理论认为 ,森林资源利用要坚持可持续利用原则 ,并且要更多考虑森林资源的生态效益 .遥感 (RS)数据及地理信息系统 (GIS)技术 ,通过提供空间选择技术支撑 ,可以准确定位符合采伐标准的森林资源地理位置 ,并确定其面积、森林类型等信息 ,从而促进森林资源的科学合理利用 .本文综合考虑各方面要素 ,以长白山典型林区露水河林业局为例 ,以最大程度发挥森林生态系统的生态功能为原则 ,进行了森林资源利用状况评价 ,对研究区森林资源未来利用的空间选择以及采伐利用方式进行了探讨 ,以期为将来制订科学的森林经营策略提供依据 .
Conservation of natural forest does not simply equal to no logging.The Northeast China Forest Region has a logging quota of mature forest as part of natural forest conservation project.How to determine the logging spots rationally and scientifically is very important.Recent scientific theories of forest resources management advocate that the utilization of forest resources should stick to the principle of sustaining use,and pay attention to the ecological function of forest resources.According to the logging standards,RS and GIS techniques can be used to detect the precise location of forest resources and obtain information of forest areas and types,and thus,provide more rational and scientific support for space choice about future utilization of forest resources.In this paper,the Lushuihe Forest Bureau was selected as a typical case in Changbai Mountains Forest Region to assess the utilization conditions of forest resources,and some advices on spatial choice for future management of forest resources in the study area were offered.
Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology
中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向资助项目 (KZCX2 SW 3 2 0 3 )