肺心病基本病理生理改变特点是肺血管痉挛、肺循环阻力增高 ,以及红细胞增多、血液黏稠度增加、血小板聚集等。结合本病反复发作、久病必虚的特点 ,中医学将其病机归结为气虚血瘀 ,临床采用益气活血法治疗。通过对应用益气活血法临床研究进展的综述 ,旨在探讨此法对临床疗效。
The physiopathology characteristic of pulmonary heart disease is that the vessels of the lungs are tic, resistance of pulmonary circulation is increased, the blood platelet is gathered, et al. Because of this disease always attack repeatedly, and characteristic is “long disease must be deficiency', traditional Chinese medicine sum up the pathology mechanism of this disease as qi deficiency and blood stasis. The result of study shows: the method of supplement qi and activate blood circulation combining Western medicine can improve the therapeutic effectiveness, improve the patient's pulmonary function, cardiac function, and blood rheology index notably.
Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine on Cardio-Cerebrovascular Disease