谟问题就是归纳推理的合理性及其辩护的问题 ,其核心是普遍必然的科学知识是否可能、何以可能的问题。冯契总结、吸取了先哲们探讨这一问题的积极成果 ,做出了富有新意的解答。在他看来 ,人们的认识能力能够获得普遍必然的科学知识 ;思维形式为人们获得这种知识提供了逻辑上的担保 ,这体现在两个方面 :一是时空形式和逻辑范畴为人们获得普遍有效的规律性知识提供了逻辑上的担保 ,二是形式逻辑的基本原则和辩证逻辑的接受总则为人们获得普遍有效的规律性知识提供了逻辑上的担保正说明它在理论上是有担保的 ,在经验上是有现实根据的。”[4 ] (p 2 0 9) 当主体以得自所与的概念反过来接受、安排所与 ,化所与为事实时 ,实际上作了一个事实判断。而判断是科学理论的主要表达形式、普遍有效的规律性知识的主要载体。作一事实判断就是以一概念作接受方式引用于所与 ,而每引用一概念或概念结构于所与 ,作一事实判断时 ,就会同时引用了时空形式和逻辑范畴。而时空形式和类、故、理诸范畴是最一般的接受方式 ,贯穿了形式逻辑的基本原则和“以得自现实之道还治现实”的辩证逻辑接受总则 ,确保了由经验事实概括出来的“理”即规律性具有普遍有效性 。
Hume’s question is about rationality and justification of inductive reasoning. Its core is: Whether and how is universal, necessary and scientific knowledge possible? Feng Qi gives a new and original answer to it by his summing up and absorbing predecessors’ positive achievements. In his opinion, people’s cognitive ability can obtain scientific knowledge of universality and necessity, and thinking forms provide logical guarantees for acquiring such knowledge. Such guarantees include two aspects. First, the space-time form and logical categories provide a logical guarantee for people’s obtaining universally valid knowledge. Second, those basic principles of formal logic and the general acceptance principle of dialectical logic provide as well a logical guarantee for grasping universally valid knowledge.
Journal of East China Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
湖南省教育厅重点科研项目"冯契与马克思主义哲学中国化" (项目编号 :0 4A0 6 2 )