缺失体验是指主体对生活经历中某种需要不满足而造成的不平衡的心理体验 ,它可以成为作家投入文学创作以弥补这一缺失的心理动力。由此探寻二月河历史小说的创作历程 ,同样可以看到驱使其小说创作的心理动因 :欲望缺失的人生体验。一是青春萌动的美好爱情毁灭而积郁的“初恋情结” ,作家称之为“雷击”效应 ,它化入笔下人物的血脉和心灵 ,并转移到男主人公的情爱历程之中 ;二是原想走仕途的人生追求遇挫而“只好纸上谈兵”的“致仕情结” ,这直接推动作家选择文学言说 ,实现“把自己想的变成别人做的给人去读去想”的愿望。两种情结的交渗纠缠 ,为小说的情感取向和理性思考打下了作家鲜明的个性印记 。
Absent experience is a kind of unbalanced psychological experience caused by dissatisfaction with certain demands one's life.And this could become the psychological cause that make the writer concentrate on writing to compensate his absence.The exploring the writing course of Er-yue He's historical fiction,we could also see the psychological causes that drove him to his writing:the experience of absent desire.These absent experience,on the one hand,embody his first love complex,the writer names it the thumderstrole effect which is built on the destruction and accumulation of his love at Er-yue He's young period.And this permeates in the character's body and soul,and then the hero's whole love process.On the other hand,they give expression to his complex of going into politics which derive from the fact that his pursuit of entrancing political community is not realized in the world,and finally he only fights on paper.This pushes Er-yue He directly to literature expression to realize his hope that changing his thoughts into the hero's deeds for readers to read and think.Two kinds of feelings,which permeate and get alang with each other give us a distinctive impression of Er-yue He's personality that lies in the aspects of the writer's emotional selection and rational thinking,in the same time,the historical fiction seems unique taste in description of love.
Academic Forum of Nandu:Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Nanyang Normal University
河南省哲学社会科学"十五"规划项目 (2 0 0 1BZW0 0 2 )
Er-yue He
absent experience
first love comples
complex of going into politics