本文关注的是外出打工者对其家庭和社区的影响两个层面。文章认为 ,在家庭层面上 ,外出者与家庭之间的非正式合约是观察与解释外出打工者对家乡影响的内在机制。这种基于家庭伦理的合约将达到所谓的“帕累托”最优状态 ,即双赢状态。而在社区影响层面上 ,文章更为关注的是“社区内向式反刍” 。
This article focuses its attention to the two levels of family and communy. The author holds that the observation of the informal contract between the labourer to other part of the country and his family and the explanation of the labourer's influence upon his native place are the internal mechanism. It is based on the contract of family ethic which will achieve a state that “both sides are winners” that is called by Paleito as the most excellent state. As to the level of community, the author pays more attention to the“community's ruminating of internal orientation” and points out the positive benefits for returning to the home village to start an undertaking.
Ethno-National Studies