Foreign Medical Sciences(Section of Immunology Foreign Medical Sciences)
1McHugh RS,Whitters MJ,Piccirillo CA,et al. CD4( + )CD25( + ) immunoregulatory T cells: gene expression analysis reveals a functional role for the glucocorticoid-induced TNF receptor[J]. Immunity,2002,16(2):311-323. 被引量:1
2Hogerkorp CM, Bilke S, Breslin T, et al. CD44-stimulated human B cells express transcripts specifically involved in immunomodulation and inflammation as analyzed by DNA microarrays[J]. Blood, 2003,101 (6) :2307-2313. 被引量:1
3Taghon T,Thys K, De Smedt M, et al. Homeobox gene expression profile in human hematopoietic multipotent stem cells and T-cell progenitors: implications for human T-cell development[J]. Leukemia, 2003,17 (6): 1157-1163. 被引量:1
4Fujino M, Kitazawa Y, Kawasaki M, et al. Differences in lymphocyte gene expression between tolerant and syngeneic liver grafted rats [ J ]. Liver Transpl , 2004 ,10 ( 3 ) :379-391. 被引量:1
5Fodor SPA, Read JL, Pirrung MC, et al. Light-directed, spatially addressable parallel chemical synthesis[J].Science, 1991,251 (4995) :767-773. 被引量:1
6Chtanova T, Kemp RA, Sutherland AP, et al. Gene microarrays reveal extensive differential gene expression in both CD4(+) and CD8(+) type 1 and type 2 T cells[J] .J Immunol,2001,167(6) :3057-3063. 被引量:1
7Feske S, Giltnane J, Dolmetsch R, et al. Gene regulation mediated by calcium signals in T lymphocytes[J]. Nat Immunol, 2001,2(4): 316-324. 被引量:1
8Pati N, Ghosh S, Hessner M J, et al. Difference in gene expression profiles between human CD4+ CD25+ and CD4+ CD25- T cells[J] .Ann N Y Acad Sci,2003,1005: 279-283. 被引量:1
9Franochimont D,Galon J,Vacchio MS,et al. Positive effects of glucocorticoids on T cell function by up-regulation of IL-7 receptor alpha[J] .J Immunol, 2002,168 (5): 2212-2218. 被引量:1
10Tarte K, Zhan F, De Vos J, et al. Gene expression profiling of plasma cells and plasmablasts: toward a better understanding of the late stages of B-cell differentiation[J]. Blood, 2003,102 ( 2 ): 592-600. 被引量:1
1张华,王静.生物芯片技术在食品检测中的应用[J].生物信息学,2004,2(3):43-48. 被引量:15
2沈红,李焕荣,陈葵,马俊云,吴国娟.生物芯片技术在药理学和毒理学研究中的应用[J].北京农学院学报,2004,19(4):77-80. 被引量:8
3朱杰.生物芯片技术在食品科学中应用研究[J].粮食与油脂,2005,18(2):6-8. 被引量:11
4蒲海燕,刘春芬,贺稚非.生物芯片及其在食品中的应用[J].食品工业,2005,26(1):55-57. 被引量:8
5胡娜,许杨.基因芯片技术及其在食品检测中的应用[J].中华预防医学杂志,2005,39(2):140-142. 被引量:11
6郭彩花,王云梅,窦红勇,李洪.从临床医学实验室的发展看生物芯片的现状及未来[J].海南医学,2005,16(5):113-113. 被引量:1
7陈东海,刘云焕.蛋白质芯片技术在食品检测方面研究进展[J].粮食加工,2005,30(2):57-59. 被引量:4
8Borucki MK, Krug MJ, Muraoka WT, et al. Discrimination among Listeria mortocytogenes isolates using a mixed genome DNA microarray[J]. Vet Microblol, 2003,92:351 被引量:1
9Volokhov D, Rasooly A, Chumakov K, et al. Identification of Listeria species by microarray-based assay[J]. J Clin Microbiol, 2002,40: 4720 被引量:1
10Call DR, Chandler DP. Detecting and genotyping Escherichia coli O157:H7 using multiplexed PCR and nucletic acid microarray [J]. Inter J Food Microbiol, 2001,67:71 被引量:1
3黄现青,李苗云,赵改名,高晓平,张秋会,孙灵霞,柳艳霞.基因工程乳酸菌在肉品工业中的应用[J].肉类工业,2012(4):24-26. 被引量:2
4何丽,杨莉婷,吴琼.芯片技术和胶体金免疫层析技术在食品安全检测中的应用[J].生物学通报,2017,52(2):1-4. 被引量:1
1王红祥,赵湜.核转录因子FOXO在免疫系统中的作用[J].国际免疫学杂志,2009,32(6):472-475. 被引量:1
2黄蓉,吴青,李茂军,邹福兰,骆娟,梁小明,陈昌辉.Toll样受体4在免疫相关细胞中的作用[J].中华临床医师杂志(电子版),2016,10(8):126-130. 被引量:13
3刘昱,焦国慧,曾斌,陈思,张圆,杨荣存.RGS1对RAW264.7细胞共刺激分子和细胞因子表达的调节[J].细胞与分子免疫学杂志,2008,24(8):757-759. 被引量:4
4焦国慧,代红胜,张灼寒,曾彬,刘昱,张园,杨荣存.MyD88aa155-171功能区缺失对免疫相关细胞共刺激分子和细胞因子表达的影响[J].中国生物工程杂志,2008,28(9):1-6. 被引量:1
5王庆敏,时粉周,唐瑛,刘秋红,戴圣龙,李科华.小鼠外周血免疫相关细胞的近日节律性研究[J].海军医学杂志,2013,34(5):311-313. 被引量:5
7陆威,劳力民.关节病性银屑病发病机制及生物制剂治疗的进展[J].国外医学(皮肤性病学分册),2005,31(6):348-351. 被引量:2
8陈玲珑,郑鸣,刘梅珍,刘云芳,兰宝金.阻断交感神经对小鼠小肠黏膜免疫相关细胞的影响[J].解剖科学进展,2008,14(3):305-308. 被引量:1
9罗琴,邵卫清,杨璐宇,余光阳,钦伦秀.促进转移的肿瘤相关免疫细胞与靶向治疗策略[J].复旦学报(医学版),2016,43(1):104-109. 被引量:2
10罗晓春,李安兴,谢明权.斜带石斑鱼黏膜免疫系统结构的研究[J].水生生物学报,2005,29(2):193-198. 被引量:13