目的 探讨三维CT血管造影 ( 3D -CTA)在颅内肿瘤外科诊治的价值及适应证。方法 颅内肿瘤患者 30例(包括脑膜瘤 16例、胶质瘤 4例、垂体腺瘤 3例、听神经瘤 4例、血管母细胞瘤 2例、皮样囊肿 1例 ) ,术前 3D -CTA检查 ,以容积重建法 (VR)及最大强度投影法 (MIP)法等作图像三维重建处理 ,模拟手术入路。结果 本组所有病例3D -CTA图像均可较清楚地显示肿瘤的生长部位、形态、大小等 ;并立体地将肿瘤与血管、颅骨及周围结构呈现 ,与手术及病理检查吻合 ,与MRI诊断效能一致。结论 3D -CTA能作MRI的补充 ,对颅内肿瘤诊断及鉴别诊断。
Objective To study the clinical value and indications of three dimensional computed tomography angiography in diagnosis and surgical treatment of intracranial tumors.Methods\ Thirty patients with intracranial tumors were examined with preoperative 3D-CTA. Among all the cases, there were reported 16 meningiomas, 4 gliomas, 3 pituitary adenomas, 4 acoustic neuroinomas, 2 hemangioblastomas and 1 dermoid cyst. The techniques of volume rendering(VR) and maximum intensity project (MIP) were used to reconstruct the 3D images in all cases and the approach of operation was simulated.Results\ 3D-CTA showed the location, size and contour of intracranial tumors. It displayed the 3D spatial relationship clearly among the lesions, neighboring vascular and skull structures, which were approximately the same as intra-operative and pathological finding. The diagnostic accuracy of 3D-CTA was same as MRI.Conclusion\ 3D-CTA, as an important supplement to MRI, has a unique value in diagnosis, differential diagnosis and preoperative evaluation of the operative approach in intracranial tumors.