根据冲压工艺与模具设计课程教学的需要 ,我们开发了计算机辅助教学 (CAI)软件。该课件采用丰富的图形、影像、动画等多媒体方式表现教学内容 ,提高学生的工艺和模具感性认识 ;课件还集成工艺和模具的CAD功能 ,提供学生适时应用和练习的机会 ,巩固所学的知识 ;
For need of course teaching of pressing technology and die design, computer aided instruction courseware is developed. In courseware, lots of figures and videos are adopted to exhibit teaching content so that studends' knowledge to technology and die can been improved. Computer aided technology and die design is also integrated in courseware to give students a chance to practice and application. Standard page layout and interlink are used to conveniently update and add teaching content.
Journal of Architectural Education in Institutions of Higher Learning