记忆的自我参照效应是指记忆材料与自我相联系时的记忆效果优于其它编码条件的现象 ,这种优势主要体现在以回忆经验为特征的R反应 (“记得”)上。西方一些研究表明 ,自我参照的记忆成绩优于参照母亲的记忆。本研究以中国大学生为被试 ,得到参照父亲和母亲的记忆与自我参照有同样好的成绩 ,显著优于参照名人的记忆 ,并且父母之间无差异。这支持了独立型 /依赖型自我概念模型中的东方文化下的自我概念包括父母的观点。
Two experiments were made to investigate the hypothesis that father-reference at encoding improves recognition memory as self-reference does in Chinese. In both experiments, the subjects were shown personality trait words, and were asked to indicate how true or how positive or negative each trait was (only in Experiment 1 ) on a five-point scale.In the later recognition test, the subjects first made an old/new judgment, and then indicated each old item accompanied by recollective experience, simply 'know', 'familiarity' or 'guess'(R/K/F/G responses in Experiment 1, R/K/G response in Experiment 2 ) . Self-reference effect was found in R response only. Father-reference had the same good recognition memory as self-reference and mother-reference, but reliably better than famous-person-reference in R response. These indicated that in Chinese, the concepts of father and mother may be included in the self, which had been reported in Western countries. Moreover, mother and father may have the same importance to oneself.
Journal of Psychological Science
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