目的 :评价复方法莫替丁分散片在不同测定方法下的溶出特性。方法 :采用转篮法及桨法测定复方法莫替丁分散片的体外溶出度 ,溶液吸收度以紫外分光光度法测定 ;实验数据采用Excel软件 ,以Weibull分布模型求算溶出参数并拟合回归直线 ,用t检验进行统计学分析。结果 :采用转篮法及桨法测定本复方法莫替丁分散片的溶出度 ,其td 值分别为 1 30 6 3及 0 7931min ;直线斜率间存在统计学差异 (P <0 0 1)。结论 :本品溶出过程受测定方法影响较大 ,提示本品的体内溶出过程与胃肠运动密切相关。
Objective: To evaluate dissolution properties of compound famotidine dispersible tablets by different methods. Methods: The rotating basket and the paddle method were used to evaluate dissolution properties of compound famotidine dispersible tablets, and absorbance of the solution was determined by UV method. Excel software, Weibull's model and t test were used for the treatment of the data on drug dissolution. Results: The t d value of compound famotidine dispersible tablets determined by the rotating basket and the paddle were 1 3063 and 0 7931 minutes respectively. There exists a significant difference between the slope of the two linear equations ( P <0 01). Conclusion: The dissolution process of compound famotidine dispersible tablets is significantly related to the test method. It shows that its dissolution rate in vivo is correlated with the movement of gastrointestinal tract.
Progress in Pharmaceutical Sciences