针对臭氧净水机存在杀菌效果受水温、水压因素影响的问题 ,通过BP网络对样本训练得到水温水压与对应频率和占空比之间的映射关系。设计了以AT89C5 2单片机为核心的一种臭氧净水机的控制系统 ,使水温、水压工作段变化时净水机能自动调整臭氧发生器上所加高压脉冲的频率和占空比 。
To against the problem with Ozone water purifying machine, i. e., the result of disinfect is related to temperature and pressure of water, through BP network, the samples are trained to obtain image relation between temperature and pressure of water and correspondent frequency and duty cycle. A control system of Ozone water purifying machine with AT89C52 as kernel is designed. In this system, the frequency and pulse duration of the high voltage pulse working for Ozone generator is auto adjusted when the operating section of pressure and temperature of water change. Thus the problem of disinfect result is related to temperature and pressure of water has been resolved.
Process Automation Instrumentation