为了满足上位机与下位机之间高速通信的需要 ,本文介绍了用SiemensSIMATICMicrocomputingActiveX控件在不同的协议下与S7— 2 0 0PLC进行高速数据通信 ,测试其PLC写、读 ,事件响应等通信时间 ,通过比较分析得到最快速的通信协议———PROFIBUS -Universal(DP/FMS)协议。并将之成功运用于机械设备控制 。
To satisfy the requirement of highly communication rate between the main-computer and S7-200PLC, a novel data communication between Siemens SIMATIC Microcomputing ActiveX and the S7-200PLC under different protocol are presented in this paper The corresponding time for PLC writing,reading and event responding are tested in all conditions It is shown by comparison and analysis,that PROFIBUS_Universal(DP/FMS) is the fastest protocol It has been successfully used in the control of the mechanism which can't be realized by using the free port mode
Techniques of Automation and Applications