福建紫金矿业股份有限公司的资源观 :一是矿产资源是资源性企业生存和发展最根本的条件 ;二是在利用上把珍惜矿产资源、最大限度地发挥已有资源的作用作为自己神圣职责 ;三是在资源获取上 ,通过多途径寻找 ,采取多方式利用 ,把握各种机会敢于风险投入 ,敢于大面积展开。紫金矿业在资源利用方面的具体作法是 :一是对已占有的矿产资源 ,通过探边摸底和合理利用 ,挖掘潜力 ,增加资源量 ;二是对尚未占有的矿产资源 ,通过风险勘探、购买矿权等扩张方式 ,增加资源量。
Fujian Zijin Limited Company follows the next Resource View. 1. Mineral resources are basis of living and development of company exploiting mineral resources. 2. Cherishing and full using mineral resources are company's sacred duty; 3. The company uses the various means to look for and takes the various ways to use mineral resources and dare to uses every risk investment opportunity to implement prospecting in the large area. Zijin Mining Company has the next experience in using mineral resources. 1.Company actively implements prospecting in mining area at the time of exploiting proven deposits for increasing deposits. 2. Concerning the reconnaissance mineral resources, the company increases the deposits through the ways of risk investment prospecting and purchasing the mining rights.
Natural Resource Economics of China