公正是人类社会追求的永恒价值理想 ,也是社会发展过程中需要妥善处理的一个难点问题。随着中国社会转型进程的日益加快 ,社会各阶层贫富差距的不断拉大 ,公正原则受到社会现实的极大挑战 ,公正原则的普遍实现与否 ,将决定我国城市反贫困工作的成败。基于上述理由 ,笔者从公正的制度化基础、公正的基本原则和公正原则实现的条件等几方面阐述如何以公正为伦理标准来推进城市反贫困工作。
Justice is the eternal value cause pursued by the human society, and a difficult issue that should be dealt with great care in the development of the society. With the speeding up of the social transition in China, and the widening of the gap between the rich and the poor, the principle of justice is challenged by the social reality. The success of the anti-poverty campaign in urban areas depends on the fulfillment of the principle of justice. In view of this, this article illustrates, from the angles of the institutional ground of justice, the basic principles of justice and the conditions for the fulfillment of justice, how to promote the task of fighting poverty in urban areas with justice as an ethical standard.
Studies in Ethics
justice anti-poverty campaign in urban areas ethical standard