本文从西方传教士在近代中国从事的创办学校、学术团体、报刊杂志 ,翻译西方法律著作、撰写法律论著等一系列活动以及其成果入手 ,阐述了西方传教士在西方法学传入 ,中国近代法学观、法律制度和原则以及概念术语等的诞生 ,中国近代法学人才的养成等各个方面所起的奠基作用 ,并对传教士的这种作用的特点与历史贡献作了阐述。
In modern China, the western missionaries used to set up schools, establish learned societies, publish newspapers and magazines, translate western legal works and write law books. Based on these activities and achievements, this article elaborates on the fundamental role played by the western missionaries in several aspects, such as the introduction of the western legal science, the formation of the jurisprudential outlook of modern China, the establishment of legal system, the emergence of legal principles, concepts and terms, and the cultivation of the lawyers for modern China. Finally, this article sets forth the features of the role played by the missionaries and their historic contributions.
Law and Social Development