国家助学贷款实行以来帮助了很多贫困学生 ,但是在实施的过程中也产生了许多问题。如国家助学贷款与“五金”结构失衡 ;其政策性目标与商业化经营相冲突 ;财政的有限分担机制使商业银行无法出清风险 ;贷款制度主要要素的规定不够科学 ;贷款驱动机制不合理 ;贷款运行机制不健全等。解决国家助学贷款在现实中存在的主要问题 ,应建立个人信用评价体系 ;优化国家助学贷款结构 ;
The national student loan has been implemented for 4 years, and it helps lots of poor students.However,many problems are appeared, for example, the low efficiency of the loan and the “five funds” structure, the conflict of the political aim and commercial operation, the bad operation of the loan system, and so on. According to these defects, the author gives some solutions: setting up our own personal credit system, making the loan system better, merging the common loan and the national student loan together,and constructing the policy bank to be the major supplier of the loan.
Journal of Xinjiang Finance & Economy Institute