奥克塔维亚·希尔是 1 9世纪英国的慈善家和女性环境主义者 ,更是一位杰出的住房改革家。鉴于伦敦贫民区肮脏、拥挤的状况 ,她修建了低成本、低租金的廉价实用住房 ,租给贫困者 ,并亲自实施经营管理 ,与房客建立良好的私人关系、帮助房客养成卫生习惯和自助精神、教育房客提高社区意识和责任感 ,同时 ,调动各方积极因素 ,整治环境 ,开辟公共空间 ,改善城市普通居民的生活条件。与当时英国政府解决住房问题的政策法规和实际举措相比 ,希尔的改革具有更为特殊的价值 :她以私人经营的方式 ,把政府的政策落到了实处 ,而且通过人性化管理 ,帮助贫困者树立积极的人生态度 ,弥补了国家政策和政府管理的不足。希尔的改革受到广泛赞扬 ,1 881年被英国“慈善组织协会”誉为“奥克塔维亚·希尔制度” ,在英国和爱尔兰推广 ,并且传播到欧洲大陆和美国。
Octavia Hill was a philanthropist, a female environmentalist as well as a brilliant housing reformer in the 19th century Britain. She carried out a housing reform for the purpose of improving the poor's dwelling conditions after seeing the filthy and crowed states of the slum areas in London. As a result, her inexpensive and practical housings of low cost and low paying were well received by the poor, and her ways of management were highly praised and hence regarded as “Octavia Hill's System” by Charity Organisation Society in 1881. Moreover, she took part in the management herself. The measurements include: (i) harmonize the relationship between tenants and lords, (ii) help tenants form hygienic habits and self-supporting consciousness, (iii) promote their community awareness and sense of responsibility, and (iv) by all means protect the environment, open public spaces and improve the living conditions of the civilians. Hill's housing reform therefore bears a much more peculiar significance as compared with the relevant solution acts issued by the British Government. Her practice, which not only satisfied the needs of the poor but also made up for the policies of the Government, played an essential role in humanistic management and helped the poor to hold a positive attitude toward their lives. That is why the “Octavia Hill's System” was soon popularized in Britain and Ireland and also adopted by other European countries and the United Sates.
Journal of Beijing Normal University(Social Sciences)
教育部人文社会科学研究"十五"规划立项课题"工业革命以来英国环境污染与治理的历史考察"(0 1JA770 0 2 8)