文章描述了楹树枝枯病的症状 ,经分离培养 ,初步鉴定病原菌为可可球二孢菌 (BotryodiplodiatheobromaePat .) ,并对该病的病原及其发生规律等方面进行研究 ,提出木蠹蛾的发生与楹树的发病有一定的关系。
After following Koch's postulate and comparative inoculation test, the pathogen of Albizia chinensis die back was identified as Botryodiplodia theobromae Pat.. Detailed descriptions of the pathogen and the symptom of the disease were given in this paper. The relationship between Albizia chinensis die back and Txymiatris sp. are also discussed.;
Forestry Science and Technology of Guangdong Province