目的 :评价同一菌株表达多种肠毒素大肠杆菌 (ETEC)定居因子时的免疫效果 ,为构建多价疫苗提供依据。方法 :以同等剂量分别口服免疫BALB/c小鼠 ,比较并评价共表达肠毒素大肠杆菌定居因子CFA/Ⅰ、CS6的减毒弗氏痢疾菌苗株FWL0 1(pZCF16 )与单独表达CFA/Ⅰ的FWL0 1(pZHY2 1)和表达CS6的FWL0 1(pZLG6 )免疫效果。结果 :免疫BALB/c小鼠全部产生了抗CFA/Ⅰ和 (或 )CS6的特异性血清抗体IgG和分泌性抗体sIgA。共表达CFA/Ⅰ、CS6的减毒弗氏痢疾菌苗株FWL0 1(pZCF16 )免疫动物后 ,血清和黏膜抗体滴度与单独表达CFA/Ⅰ的FWL0 1(pZHY2 1)和表达CS6的FWL0 1(pZLG6 )的免疫效果相似。结论 :共表达ETECCFA/Ⅰ和CS6的减毒弗氏痢疾菌苗株FWL0 1(pZCF16 )能够像单独表达相应抗原的菌苗株一样有效激发机体抗CFA/I和CS6的体液及肠道黏膜免疫应答 ,为构建ETEC多价疫苗奠定了基础。
Objective: To select and develop an effective and safe live multivalent candidate vaccine against ETEC by comparing and evaluating the immune responses of three recombinant candidate strains. Methods: Three recombinant strains, the attenuated Shigella flexneri 2a T32 derivative strain FWL01(pZCF16) co-expressing colonization factor antigen Ⅰ(CFA/Ⅰ) and coli surface antigen 6(CS6), the FWL01(pZHY21) expressing CFA/Ⅰ and the FWL01(pZLG6) expressing CS6, were orally administered to BALB/c mice at same dose, respectively. Results: All animals immunized with above strains developed specific serum antibodies and secretory immunoglobulin A(sIgA) against CFA/Ⅰ and/or CS6 of ETEC. The serum immune responses of the group immunized with the strain FWL01(pZCF16) were higher than that of the group immunized with the strain FWL01(pZHY21) in anti-CFA/Ⅰ IgG titer and that of the group immunized with the strain FWL01(pZLG6) in anti-CS6 IgG titer, though in sIgA level, no statistically significant differences were observed. Conclusion: These results demonstrate the feasibility of a multivalent vaccine expressing different fimbriae antigens in a live carrier.
Bulletin of the Academy of Military Medical Sciences
国家高技术研究发展计划 ("863"计划 )资助项目 ( 2 0 0 1AA2 15 2 11)
全军科研基金重点资助项目 ( 0 1Z0 2 6)