目的 分析误诊低血糖为脑梗塞的原因。方法 回顾分析 1995年至今所见 9例误诊病例。结果 输注葡萄糖等治疗后 ,肌力恢复到发病前水平 ,复查CT影像如前。结论 低血糖症状发生与血糖下降的程度、速度、持续时间及病人的机体反应性有关。因其发病突然 ,并有意识障碍或肢体瘫痪 ,且老年人多发 ,故易误诊为脑血管病。
Objective To investigate the reason why hypoglycemia was mistaken for cerebral infarction. Method We retrospectively analyzed the 9 cases since 1995. Results After treatment with intravenous injection of glucose, the patients regressed, and a second CT examination showed no new lesions. Conclusion The symptoms of hypoglycemia is related to how far and how fast the serum glucose decreases, and also how long the hypoglycemia lasts. Besides the responses in individual patients affect the symptoms too. Because the patients often present unconsciousness and weakness with a sudden onset, hypoglycemia is easily mistaken for cerebrovascular disorders especially in the old.
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