无源无线声表面波谐振器传感信号是一个低信噪比、瞬态衰减信号 ,并叠加有激励信号和信道噪声。本文利用信号统计特性 ,显著地提高信噪比 ,获取谐振频率所在区间 ,让激励频率在该区间内取值 ,使之逼近谐振频率 ,从而达到检测谐振频率的目的。
The sensing signal of a passive and wireless sensor using a surface acoustic wave (SAW) resonator is transient and decaying with a very low signal-noise-ratio (SNR) as mixing with the leaked stimulating signal and the channel noise. According to the statistical characteristic of the sensing signal, the mixed unwanted stimulating signal and noise is removed to considerably increase SNR and the interval underlying the resonant frequency is estimated for the simulating signal following the resonant frequency and approaching it as close as possible. Thus the resonant frequency can be captured in optimum.
Journal of Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation
国家自然科学基金资助项目 (批准号 :699740 4)