“流散”概念近来逐渐成为一种对当代后殖民文化与认同经验的总体解释。本文分析了后殖民理论大家霍米·巴巴和爱德华·萨义德等人对流散的阐释 ,这种阐释有助于我们在运动中而非绝对的本真性中思考认同问题。由于离散者游移于多种文化之间 ,故而拥有更宽阔和多元的视角 ,得以重新参与文化的改造与传承。流散论述 ,或者“流亡诗学”,为我们审视后殖民语境下差异性文化的变迁与碰撞提供了一种难得的视角 。
The concept of 'diaspora' is recently emerging as a general explanation of the contemporary postcolonial cultural and identificatory experience. This paper analyzes Homi Bhabha's and Edward Said's conceptulization of diaspora, which will contribute to thinking about problems of identity in terms of fluid movement rather than absolute authenticity. Since the diaspora are always shifting between cultures, they enjoy a wider and multiple perspectives, which help them to participate in the reforming and inheriting of human cultures. The discourse of diaspora, or the 'poetics of exile,' provides us with a valuable perspective to examine the contacts and the ensuing changes in different cultures, and offers the intellectuals a critical position to resist the often oppressive dominating discourses.
Foreign Language Education