婚约是男女双方将来缔结婚姻关系的法律行为 ,当事人虽不能基于婚约请求结婚 ,但其仍具有一定的法律效力。基于婚约发生的财产赠与关系 ,实质上是一种附条件的赠与行为 ,婚约解除后应依不当得利予以返还 ;一方擅自解除婚约或因他方过错解除婚约的 ,无过错方可请求损害赔偿。结合国内首例因征婚引出巨额财产纠纷案的分析 ,对上述理论给予了阐述。
Engagement is a legal act that men and women are both parties to promise to enter into the marital relationship in the future.Although the parties concerned can't claim marry by reason of the engagement, but the engagement itself still has certain legal effect. The presentation based on the engagement is substantially a bestowal act with attached terms.The properties presented should be given back as illegitimate rights when the engagement is broken.If one party cancel the engagement at will or cancel the engagement for the other party's fault,the party who has no fault could ask for damages. This article analyses the first case of a huge sum property disputation caused by inviting a marriage in our country and elaborates the exoterica aforesaid.
Hebei Law Science