本文从一组同心圆模型入手 ,对中国农村治理模式的变迁进行了回顾 ,阐明了“第二圈层”对于不同治理模式的决定作用。在此基础上文章对当代乡政村治的结构进行了“治理流程”梳理 ,提出了“乡村合流”现象。接下来文章构建起基于“理性行动理论”的“目标 -行动”分析框架 ,并以此对“乡村合流”成因作了剖析。最后 ,文章采取演绎的方法构建起解释性的“科层 -法人”理论 。
Using the model of 'concentric zones', the paper, to begin with, presents a comparative review on rural governance in China in different times, arguing that varied styles of governance can be distinguished in terms of the 'Second Layer' in the 'State-Society' structure. Furthmore, employing the 'Governance Flowchart', it analyzes the contemporary rural governance characterized by 'Governance Cahoots'. On the basis of 'Rational Action Theory', an analysis framework of 'Purpose-Action' is proposed to explain the cause of 'Governance Cahoots'. Finally, the theory of 'Hierarchy-Corporation' is developed in a deductive way and used to explore some phenomena of rural governance in China.
Journal of Central China Normal University:Humanities and Social Sciences