委婉是人的心理现象 ,对委婉机制的研究离不开对认知心理的解释。运用认知语言学理论对委婉语的构造手段进行分析后发现 ,委婉语的委婉机制在于转移听者的注意焦点或分散听者的注意力 ,极端的做法是暂时中断听者的理解进程。委婉语的各种构造手段均处于这种机制的连续体上。决定委婉程度高低的因素中 ,最重要的因素是对委婉语的熟悉程度。
Euphemism is a mental phenomenon and study on its mechanism should be based on cognitive explanation. With the analysis by applying cognitive linguistic theories, we found that the mechanism of euphemism lies in diverting the hearer's attention, and the extreme practice is to temporarily cut the normal understanding process. The mechanism exists in the form of a continuum. Among the various factors that determine the degrees of mildness of euphemism, familiarity is the most important one.
Foreign Languages Research