预期违约制度是英美法上的独创制度 ,它深刻地影响了世界诸多国家的合同立法和若干国际条约的制定。我国 1 999年颁布的《合同法》在继承大陆法系基本框架和体系的同时 ,吸收和借鉴了英美法中的预期违约制度。本文试图从分析预期违约的制度架构、价值取向、存在的合理性以及其与大陆法系相关制度的比较等问题 ,探讨一下我国《合同法》在预期违约制度上的成功与不足 。
Anticipatory breach,the unique rule of the contract law of common law,has influence on a lot of legislations of different countries and even the making of some conventions. The contract law 1999 inherits the frame and system of continental law system while adopts Anticipatory breach of Anglo-American law.The article is aimed at discussing the advantages and disadvantages of Anticipatory breach of the contract law,especially the combination of Anticipatory breach and inassured pleading, by analyzing the system,value orientation,rationality and the correlated issues.
Journal of Qiqihar University(Philosophy & Social Science Edition)