目的 :探讨宁环片治疗铜宫内节育器 (Cu -IUD)所致子宫异常出血的作用机理。方法 :以吲哚美辛作对照 ,用Olympus光学显微镜观察宁环片对置Cu -IUD家兔子宫内膜表浅微血管变化、血栓形成及螺旋动脉的形态学改变的影响。结果 :置Cu -IUD模型组上皮脱落坏死 ,有大量炎性细胞浸润 ,宫腔中见多量组织碎片 ,炎性细胞及渗出液 ,内膜下小血管部分扩张、充血 ;间质较疏松水肿 ,可见较多炎性细胞浸润 ;高倍视野下子宫内膜表浅微血管总数增多。宁环片各剂量组内膜上皮轻度损伤 ,内膜炎性细胞较少 ,偶见小血管扩张、充血 ,间质较致密 ,炎性细胞少 ,其形态变化与对照组吲哚美辛相似。结论
Objective:To explore the mechanism of ninghuan tablets for treating endometrorrhagia caused by Cu-IUD.Methods:In constrast with indomethacin,investigating the effects of ninghuan tablets on endometrial superficial microvessel,thrombosis and spiral artery of rabbits with Cu-IUD by olympus light microscope. Results:In model group with Cu-IUD endometrial epithelia were shed,necrosis and infiltrated with a lot of inflammatory cells.Much constitution fragments,inflammatory cells and exudate were observed in uterine cavity.Endometrial small vessels were dilatalted and hyperemia.Interstitial was a little rarefaction,edema and infiltrated with a lot of inflammatory cells.The sum of endometrial superficial microvessel was increased.The hismorphologic change of each group of ninghuan tablets was similar to the indomethacin group,endometrial epithelia was minor injury with less inflammatory cells,endometrial small vessels were occasionaly dilatalted and hyperemia,interstital was a little tight with less inflammatory cells.Conclusion:ninghuan tablets can decrease the inflammatory cells and exudation of endometrium and repair the damage of endometrium,which indicate that endometrorrhagia caused by Cu-IUD can be cured effectively with ninghuan tablets.
Chinese Journal of Traditional Medical Science and Technology
国家中医药管理局科研项目No.0 2 -0 3JL0 7
湖南省教育厅资助项目No .0 1A0 12