目的 全面了解复性近视散光患者角膜各区散光改变及对眼球散光的影响。方法 对15 0眼进行角膜地形图测量及视网膜检影检查 ,进行t检验及直线相关分析。结果 复性近视散光患者角膜 3mm区、 5mm区、 7mm区散光轴差异无显著意义 (P >0 0 5 ) ,3mm区与 5mm区散光度差异无显著意义 ,并与眼球散光度呈正相关 :眼球散光度 (D ) =0 64 7D3mm ( 3mm区散光度 ) +0 810D5mm ( 5mm区散光度 ) -0 14 9D7mm ( 7mm区散光度 ) -0 2 3 5。结论 人眼的散光 71 2 %由角膜散光决定 ,而角膜散光值主要由角膜 3mm区、 5mm区散光值决定 ,尤其 5mm区是反映角膜散光最敏感。
Objective To investigate the changes of corneal topography in different area of myopic astigmatism.To evaluate the relationship of corneal astigmatism in different area and astigmatism of eye.Methods 150 eyes of myopic astigmatism examined by corneal topography and retinophotoscopy.Results The differences of myopic astigmatism axis in 3mm?5mm and 7mm areas are of no statistical significant differences( P >0.05).Differences of myopic astigmatism in 3mm and 5mm areas are of no statistical significant differences( P >0.05)Regression equation for myopic astigmatism of eye(D)= 0.647D3mm(myopic astigmatism of 3mm area)+0.810D5mm(myopic astigmatism of 5mm area)-0.149D7mm(myopic astigmatism of 7mm area)-0.235.Conclusions Astigmatism of eye is 71.2% determined by astigmatism of corneal.Astigmatism of corneal in 3mm and 5mm areas is very important and stabilized index to astigmatism of eye.
Chinese Journal of Practical Ophthalmology