选用平均体重196kg的27头育成母牛,采用随机区组设计,按出生日龄、体重一致原则,随机等分为3组。对照组按牛场现行饲喂制度喂料,试验I、II组分别用玉米秸秆复合颗粒饲料I、II替代对照日粮中的羊草,羊草和玉米秸秆复合颗粒饲料I、II均按自由采食量供给。试验期由15d预试期和45d正试期组成。结果表明,尽管试验初期育成母牛对玉米秸秆复合颗粒饲料的采食量较低,但至试验后期,育成牛对玉米秸秆复合颗粒饲料的采食量增加,并接近羊草的水平。试验I、II组的平均日增重均明显高于对照组(P〈0 05),提高幅度分别为4 9、2 3%。表明饲喂玉米秸秆复合颗粒饲料替代羊草,对育成牛的生长没有不良影响。
27 cows that average BW was 196kg was divided into 3 groups according to birthday and BW with random block design. The control group was feed on former ration, comparing to the control group treatment I and II feed with corn straw mixture pellet feed I and II in replacement of the Chinese aneurole-pidium respectively. Chinese aneurole-pidium and corn straw mixture pellet feed I and II are all free intake. There were 15 days for pre-feeding before 45 days experiment. The result indicated that: the ingestion of compound chemistry depose on corn straw mixture pellet was lower at beginning and increased at the, be close to the ingestion of Chinese aneurole-pidium. The average daily gain of treatment I and II was significantly higher (P<0.05) than the control group, respectively increased by 4.9%, 2.3%. It can be concluded that there is no effect on the growth of cows after using compound chemistry depose on corn straw mixture pellet feed replacing the Chinese aneurole-pidium to cow.
Journal of Beijing University of Agriculture