美国近年的翻译教学与研究有较大发展。由于国际间商业活动的不断增加 ,交际速度与翻译的准确性日显重要。教学上 ,为了提高翻译的速度 ,使译作更加准确传达原文信息 ,使受训者紧跟当今世界科学技术高速发展的步代 ,计算机网络技术已广泛应用于翻译教学、翻译训练和具体翻译活动中。他们的做法 ,对我们加入 WTO后所面临急剧增加的翻译活动 ,尤其是科技、商务、经济等领域的翻译有相当借鉴作用。美国许多译论家都十分注重研究翻译与文化的密切关系 ,这方面的论文、论著深受翻译专业学生的欢迎。我们发现 ,美国的译论研究者也在冲破传统译论研究的藩篱 ,更加注意把翻译研究与文化研究 ,与女权主义、后殖民主义、心理学、人类学等学科的研究结合起来 ,进行跨文化、多角度和跨学科研究。
In recent years translation training has changed greatly in America. As more multinational corporations conduct business internationally, the speed of communication and the accuracy of translation are of increasing importance. In this new situation, computer skills are being used in translation training and practice to speed up the translation process, improve the accuracy of the final translated text, and help trainees adapt to the rapid development of world science and technology. In translation theory, scholars like Lawrence Venuti, Douglas Robinson, Maria Tymoczko, and Suzanne Jill Levine attach great importance to the studies of both translation and culture, and their works and theory attract a large readership among students and translation researchers. We find that translation scholars are breaking through the traditional confines of translation, and are combining translation researches with cultural studies, feminist studies, postcolnial studies, psychology, and anthropology. [
Shanghai Journal of Translators for Science and Technology