The effect of CaO addition on the creep resistance of sintered Chinese bauxites was studied. The rusults show that the creep resistance deceases with CaO addition for hoth grade I and I bauxites. But after the turning point carresponding to 6% and 10% CaO addition for grade I and I bauxites respectively, the property is improved slightly. The property shows singular drop at 1300℃ with CaO addition. It is concluded that the decceleration exponent m at the transient stage of creep might be served as an indicator of long term creep resistance;that the creap resistance is closely related with CaO addition and microstructure;and that the main mechanisms dominating creep under lower temperature are grain boundary sliding and diffusion, but at high temperature e. g. 1300℃ viscous flow predominates.
Bulletin of the Chinese Ceramic Society