刘完素认为脾胃为万物之母 ,一身之本 ,用药注重保护胃气 ,用温燥以治过盛之湿 ,寒润以治燥热、干涸 ,并把胃中润泽置于重要地位 ;张从正主张用汗吐下法祛陈 艹坐 洁肠胃 ,以保护胃气 ,并以淡粥养之 ,以利恢复胃气 ;李杲提出脾胃为元气之本 ,升降之枢。凡饮食不节、劳役过度、精神刺激可令气火失调 ,升降失常 ,导致脾胃内伤 ,而精神因素起先导作用 ,治疗注重升发脾胃阳气 ;朱震亨认为谋虑神劳 ,嗜欲无节 ,思想不遂 ,恣意饮食 ,过分劳力 ,竭力房事 ,皆可损伤脾胃清纯冲和之气 ,导致阴阳失调 ,在滋阴降火之时 。
Liu Wansu held that the spleen and stomach were the basis of human body; and laid emphasis on the protection of the stomach-qi, while treating the excessive dampness with drugs warm and dry in nature, curing the dryness-heat with drugs cold and cool in nature. And he also paid much attention to the moistness of the stomach. Zhang Congzheng advocated cleaning the stomach and abdomen by diaphoresis to protect the stomach-qi, and nourishing the stomach with plain porridge to recover the stomach-qi. Li Gao thought that the spleen and stomach were the origin of primordial qi and the key of lifting and lowering; improper diet, overwork and mental stimulation resulting in the disorder of qi and fire and disturbance in ascending and descending may cause the internal injury of stomach, in which the emotional factors play an important role. So the sending up of the spleen and stomach yang-qi should be emphasized in the treatment. Zhu Zhenheng held that overwork, emotional disturbance, improper diet or sexual intemperance could damage the stomach-qi and cause the disorder of yin and yang. Therefore, the stomach-qi should be protected in nourishing yin to reduce pathogenic fire.
Henan Traditional Chinese Medicine
Liu Wansu
Zhang Congzheng
Li Gao
Zhu Zhenheng
spleen and stomach