从分析国内 1 9家上市公司实行管理层收购 (MBO)后公司业绩的变化入手 ,比较了我国MBO与西方国家的不同 ,探讨了我国上市公司MBO中定价的不合理 ,进而提出我国实行MBO的制度框架建议 ,最后分析了我国目前出现的曲线MBO 。
The article analyzes the changes in the performance of the listed companies in our country that have carried out MBO.Then the writer compares the MBO in our country with that in western countries,explores the unreason of the pricing in our MBO,and then makes the proposal of the MBO system frame.At last,the article analyzecs the present indirect MBO in our country.
Journal of Zhengzhou Institute of Aeronautical Industry Management