Zan Tingquan and Wu Xuemou, Pansystems logic: a new logic fra-mework for AI.In this artic1e, we take a step towards providing a new logic fra-mework as a basis for human and artificial intelligence.We unite logic,epistemology, cognitive science, methodology and s ystems sciences tostudy cognitive processes and forms of thought and try to construct anew logic framework by use of pansystems metllodology.The new logicframework is called pansystems Logic.Included are:(1)propose the concepts of generalized. subjects and generalizedobjects, articulate the pansystems observocontrol relativity principle asa new model of cognitive foundations for artifitial intelligence.(2)present fifteen layer-parts of artifitial intelligence researchfrom the new view, i.e.AI concerns with five aspects of man, things,the relations between man and things, artificial systems, the relations be-tween the former three and the latter one,which should be studied fromthree levels of philosophical, mathematical and technical researches.
Zan Tingquan and Wu Xuemou, Pansystems logic: a new logic fra-mework for AI.In this article , we take a step towards providing a new logic fra-mework as a basis for human and artificial intelligence.We unite logic,epistemology, cognitive science, methodology and systems sciences tostudy cognitive processes and forms of thought and try to construct anew logic framework by use of pansystems methodology.The new logicframework is called pansystems Logic.Included are:(1) propose the concepts of generalized subjects and generalizedobjects, articulate the pansystems observocontrol relativity principle asa new model of cognitive foundations for artifitial intelligence.( 2 ) present fifteen layer-parts of artifitial intelligence researchfrom the new view, i.e.AI concerns with five aspects of man, things,the relations between man and things,artificial systems,the relations be-tween the former three and the latter one,which should be studied fromthree levels of philosophical, mathematical and technical researc.(3) present new models for defining and six rules for conceptsextending.(4) present pansystems negation models and a pansystems model of metalogic, relatively unite some research of conventional logic, fuzzylogic, probability logic, multi-valued logic and dialectic logic.The article provides an integrated foundation for pansystems logic,pansystems epistemology and pansystems artifitial intelligence in someextent.
Journal of Tianshui Normal University