建立了ABC—ELISA检测食品中AFB_1的方法,最小检测值0.01ng/孔,灵敏度比普通ELISA高10倍,检测时间缩短1h。方法灵敏、特异、简便、快速,样品提取液可直接用于测定。对抗体标记生物素的方法、溶剂影响、反应时间等作了较详细的讨论。对3类食品(83份样品)加标回收率为70-100%,变异系数为7.7 17.3%。将本法测得的12个玉米样品中AFB-1值与国家标准检测法测得的值作配对资料的t检验,P>0.05,说明两种方法测得结果间的差异无显著性。
A method for the detection of aflatoxin B_1 in food with ABC—ELISAwas described with a detection limit of 0.01 ng and a linear range of 0.02 to 1.0 ng per well. The recoveries of aflatoxin B_1in 3 kinds of spiked samples in the range of 10 to 100 ppb averaged 83.7% , with the coefficient of variation of7.7 to 17.3%. The results of 12 corn samples obtained by this method were compared with that of TCL method. and no significant difference was found.
Chinese Journal of Health Laboratory Technology