An inviscid base pressure model for transonic turbine blade has been presented. It has been shown that for a given back pressure the base pressure at the trailing edge, and the profile loss of a turbine blade are fixed according to the model and the base pressure can be calculated with the help of an inviscid numerical scheme. A parameteric study on the model shows that a blade profile with positive curvature downstream of the throat is advantageous for generating less loss, whilst the worst situation is when the exit flow reaches the sonic condition.
An inviscid base pressure model for transonic turbine blade has been presented. It has been shown that for a given back pressure the base pressure at the trailing edge, and the profile loss of a turbine blade are fixed according to the model and the base pressure can be calculated with the help of an inviscid numerical scheme. A parameteric study on the model shows that a blade profile with positive curvature downstream of the throat is advantageous for generating less loss, whilst the worst situation is when the exit flow reaches the sonic condition.