茶挥发性成分中的萜烯醇类具有生物合成的遗传特性。根据萜烯指数(即:芳樟醇及其氧化物/(芳樟醇及其氧化物十香叶醇)比值,TI〕所作的化学分类表明,云南省茶的 TI 值接近于1.0,而分布于其他产茶省区的茶树 TI 值均低于上述值,并伴随有由西南向东和东南逐渐下降的趋势。由云南引入的日本山茶,具有与云南相近的 TI 值,而日本当地茶树品种的 TI 值与中国浙江相近似,因而推测中国茶树的原产地为云南,然后沿长江和沿海逐渐向东和南方传播。
By using the ratio of linalool and geraniol(the Terpene Index)in tea volatile which-has the speci-ficity on the genetic characteristics,the genetic relationship among tea cultivars growing in China werestudied.Tea plants growing in Yunnan province where is supposed as the birth place of tea plant hada TI of near 1.0 and showed an akin property to var assamica.Some clones growing in Zhejiang andFujian provinces had TI values of 1.0-0.2 and were speculated that those clones might be the mostremoted cultivars from original cultivars of Yunnan province.TI values of tea cultivars collected inChina displayed the dispersion route of tea plant from the native place to each cultivating area.
Journal of Tea Science