按全国统一诊断标准严格选择脑血栓病169例,这些病人均经头颅 CT 扫描证实,正常对照96例。分别测定其血清载脂蛋白(APO)AI、B 的水平,发现女性病人组 APO-AI值,APO-AI/APO-B 比值显著低于正常女性组,APO-B 值侧高于正常女性组。男性病人组APO-AI 值,APO-AI/APO-B 比值显著低于正常男性组,APO-B 值与正常男性组比较无显著差异,并将病人组急性期值与同期部分病人在本院临床检验科所测 VLDL-C,LDL-C,HDL-C各亚型值作了比较,及分别研究了急性期与恢复期这些值的变化,发现 APO-AI 与 HDL_2-C,APO-B与 VLDL-C,LDL-C 变化情况相一致:即 APO-AI,HDL2-C 值在病人组降低,APO-B,VLDL-C,LDL-C 值升高.急性期与恢复期这些值无显著差异。我们认为:APO-AI 值,APO-AI/APO-B 比值可作为这个病的危险因素指标之一。
One hundred and sixty--nine patients,who had suffered cerebral thrombosis were investigated for apolipoprotein AI,B and compared with 96 controls.The female cerebral thrombosis patients had significantly lower apolipoprotein AI level,Apo--AI/Apo--B rate and a raised Apo--B level than the control group.The male patients with cerebral thrombosis had significantly lower level Apo --AI level and Apo--AI/Apo--B rate and no dirfference in Apo--B level than control group.In a- cute stage,the Patients had siginficantly Iower Ievel of HDL_2,Apo--AI and rate of Apo--AI/Apo --B and elevated in APO--B,VLDL,LDL than the control's.For Apo--AI,APO--B,APO--AI/ APO--B,VLDL,LDL,HDL and their subfractions,the acute stage had no difference from restro- ration stage,we think.Apolipoprotein AI level and Apo--AI/APO--B rate can be considered as one of the high risk factors of eerebeal thrombosis.
Academic Journal of Guangzhou Medical College